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Bentham, Jeremy: Supply without Burthen; Or Escheat vice Taxation, being a Proposal For A Saving In Taxes By An Extension of the Law of Escheat: Including Strictures on the Texes On Collateral Succession, Comprized in the Budget of 7th Dec. 1795 ; to which is prefixed, (Printed in 1793, and now first published,) A Protest Against Law Taxes: Shewing The Peculiar Mischievousness of all such Impositions as add to the Expense Of An Appeal to Justice, London, 1795MDZ-LOGOBSB-LOGO
urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00001183-3     Nutzungsbedingungen   Datenschutzerklärung    Digitalisat-Bestellung       BSB-Katalog -> J.rel. 36
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ca.19.59x16.48cm (-> Hinweise zur Berechnung)
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urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00001183-3     Nutzungsbedingungen   Datenschutzerklärung    Digitalisat-Bestellung       BSB-Katalog -> J.rel. 36