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Pugin, Augustus Charles / Willson, E. J.: Specimens of Gothic Architecture; selected from various ancient Edifices in England: consisting of plans, elevations, sections, and parts at large; calculated to exemplify the various styles, and the practical construction of this admired class of architecture; accompanied by historical and descriptive accounts, The literary part by E. J. Willson, [3. edition], Bd.: 1, Edinburgh, 1895MDZ-LOGOBSB-LOGO
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ca.18.58x27.03cm (-> Hinweise zur Berechnung)
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urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00079245-0     Nutzungsbedingungen   Datenschutzerklärung    Digitalisat-Bestellung       BSB-Katalog -> 4 A.civ. 60 hab-1